Mike Foley
LB 781 Treasurer Continuing Education
Required to be Filed no later than January 31 of the subsequent calendar year.
*Frequently Asked Questions*
During the 106th legislative session in 2020, the Legislature passed into law LB 781, requiring treasurers of all counties and municipalities to “annually complete continuing education through a program approved by the Auditor of Public Accounts, and proof of completion of such program shall be submitted to the Auditor of Public Accounts.”
The continuing education program created by the Auditor of Public Accounts (APA) is outlined in the Continuing Education Guidelines, found below, effective January 1, 2021. Please retain this document for future reference.
Important Items to Remember:
Except as otherwise provided, treasurers are required to complete 8 hours of APA-approved continuing education during each calendar year (January 1 to December 31). A list of approved continuing education courses is available below. That list will be updated periodically to include new eligible continuing education courses.
Treasurers of entities with less than $100,000 of expenditures in the fiscal year are required to complete only 4 hours of acceptable continuing education during the subsequent calendar year. The APA may require such treasurers to complete specific training courses, which will be designated separately on the list of approved courses.
The Certificate of Continuing Education must be received by the APA by no later than January 31 of the subsequent calendar year. This certificate must include documentation to support the attendance and/or completion of the course(s). Failure to submit the full amount of required Continuing Education by the due date will result in the name of the noncompliant treasurer being reported to the governing body of the county or municipality, County Attorney, and Attorney General for any action deemed appropriate. All continuing education must be earned/taken between January 1 and December 31 of each year.
A completed Continuing Education Training Request Form should be submitted to the APA prior to attending any continuing education course not included on the APA’s list of approved courses. The APA’s formal approval must be obtained before attending any such course that the attendee wishes to claim for credit. A link to the Continuing Education Training Request Form can be found in the "Links" section at the bottom of this page.
All continuing education courses included on the Continuing Education Training Request Form must be in one-hour (50 minutes) increments. The APA will not approve any course lasting less than one hour (50 minutes). Courses selected should contribute directly to the requester’s professional competency. After reviewing a Continuing Education Training Request Form received, the APA will send a letter to the email provided, approving or denying the requested course.
The APA reserves the right to require additional continuing education hours from any treasurer if determined to be necessary.
The Continuing Education Guidelines contains more detailed information regarding the continuing education courses allowed and types of supporting documentation required.
Continuing Education Guidelines
Continuing Education Training Request Form
Submit your Certificate of Continuing Education
Submit your Continuing Education Training Request Form
For additional questions contact:
Rachel Wittler, CPA, CFE
Audit Manager
Phone (402) 314-8063
E-Mail Rachel.Wittler@nebraska.gov